I can’t believe its been so long since I’ve been here but I ended up with pneumonia and that kept me down for almost 2 weeks. So far, I’m up and at ‘em again.

During the down time, I decided to resume my research into family history. I was successful in the 80s by discovering that we still had family in northern Italy - 1st cousins to my dad!! It was a fluke that I found them. I wrote to a vital statistics office for a person’s birth certificate. and a woman wrote back asking me why I wanted information about her mother! I was able to visit the areas where my grandfather was born and be able to watch my dad as he experienced something that was emotional to him. My grandfather died when my dad was 13!!! It was a thrilling “goosebump” type of trip for me.
A few times while recuperating, I worked with StampScapes© stamps and
really enjoy time spent with those stamps. I experimented the most with
scenic photographs I’ve taken for years and the stamps. They are such
fun to play with!
Back to some family history time..........
and tomorrow my mother-in-law is 88!!
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