Oh what fun I'm having with the leaves I receive from far and wide. My granddaughter collects them in North Carolina. My neighbor friend's husband brought some back from Florida to add to my
freezer supply. My husband does his best to dodge the freezer-stored precious leaves waiting there for me! He's trying to get used to the leaves. Usually they are being steamed for EcoPrints.

I have been EcoPrinting with all sorts of leaves and twigs, always fun....each "reveal" a new surprise. Fifteen of my latest EcoPrints are individually mounted, and now residing in a new home ready to become a wall display. I'm eager to see the final installation, but the layout is the vision and prerogative of their new owners. I have more leaves.......
So, now my current leaves-in-waiting have taken new life. They now have marks of paint, markers, and Pan Pastel®, then encased in beeswax and polished to brilliance. I've painted magnolia leaves before but the process of adding the pleasant-smelling beeswax is such a nice addition. Layering the wax and mark-making is a nice sensory experience.

Ok....so now what do I do with them? I have ideas - always! Those that are completed are part of an artificial arrangement in a wicker plant stand that has needed some perkiness for quite awhile. I may also tie them into a garland. For a while some of them lived in a bowl of antique wooden kitchen tools in my house. They will move around probably, and it will be interesting to see how long they last. Some may get some lettering on them...others some more detailed marks.

Someone else has probably done this with leaves long before me, but isn't it fun to explore on your own, not knowing if it's been done before? Thanks to
Shari Replogle for unknowingly reminding me about Pan Pastel® and to
Faith Evans-Sills in
Lifebook 2016 for reminding this northern gal about Magnolia leaves.
Let the leaves be reborn!
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