Save the date: Saturday, August 19, 2017
You are invited to the
Visual Faith Retreat
sponsored by
St. John Lutheran Church, Rochester, MI
Don’t miss this chance to spend the day with your online Michigan Bible Journaling friends and make new friends.
An information-packed day is planned - two special presenters, lots of technique demonstrations, plus some surprises.
ONLINE REGISTRATION begins June 1, 2017!!For adults and youth (10-17)#MichiganVisualFaithRetreat
Email cbs@studio-mosaic.com to receive a mail-in registration form by return email.
Interested in volunteering? Let me know that as well!
Gettin' excited for August!
#VisualFaith, #Livegenerously,#LingerLongerInHisWord,#MichiganVisualFaith

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